It is based on this link: simple-hashcash-implementation
The main difference is that this code create trailing zeros and sha1while my use leading zeros and sha256.
import math, itertools
from hashlib import *
def lz(n):
# Number of leading 0s in binary representation of integer n.
if n <=0 : return 0
# string with binary representation
b = bin(n)[2:].zfill(256)
i = 0
for c in b:
# print(c)
if c == '0':
i = i + 1
return i
def irange(n):
# Implementation of xrange(n) that does not overflow.
i = 0
while i < n:
yield i; i += 1
def all_strings(charset='0123456789abcdef'):
# Yields all strings in given character set, sorted by length.
m = len(charset)
for n in itertools.count(0):
for i in irange(m**n):
yield ''.join([charset[(i//(m**j))%m] for j in range(n)])
def hash(s_to_hash):
# Hash function used by hashcash. Returns an integer.
s = s_to_hash.encode('utf-8')
return int(sha256(s).hexdigest(), 16)
def mt(s_to_hash, n, charset='0123456789abcdef'):
# Makes hashcash token of value 'n' against basestring 's'.
s = s_to_hash.encode('utf-8')
h = sha256(s).hexdigest()
for token in all_strings(charset):
if lz(hash(h + token)) >= n: return token
def vt(s_to_hash, token):
# Returns hashcash value of given token against basestring 's'.
s = (s_to_hash).encode('utf-8')
return lz(hash(sha256(s).hexdigest() + token))
def Example():
StringToConvert = input("Enter a string: ")
MinLeadingZeros = int(input("Leading Zeros required: "))
csha = StringToConvert.encode('utf-8')
c_hex = sha256(csha).hexdigest()
print("String sha256 (hex encoded): " + c_hex + "\n")
c_bin = bin(int(c_hex, 16))[2:].zfill(256)
print("String sha256 (bin encoded): " + c_bin + "\n")
token = mt(StringToConvert,MinLeadingZeros)
print("Token for this sha256: " + token)
c_t = (c_hex + token).encode('utf-8')
print("String + token (hex encoded): " + c_hex + token + "\n")
c_t_hex = sha256(c_t).hexdigest()
print("String + token sha256 (hex encoded): " + c_t_hex + "\n")
c_t_bin = bin(int(c_t_hex, 16))[2:].zfill(256)
print("String + token (bin encoded): " + c_t_bin + "\n")
print("Verify Token")
l_z = vt(StringToConvert,token)
print("Verified Leading Zeros: " + str(l_z) + "\n")
def GetToken():
StringToConvert = input("Enter a string: ")
MinLeadingZeros = int(input("Leading Zeros required: "))
StringToken = mt(StringToConvert, MinLeadingZeros)
def VerifyToken():
StringToVerify = input("Enter a string: ")
TokenToVerify = input("Enter a Token: ")
LeadingZeros = vt(StringToVerify, TokenToVerify)