Saturday, February 20, 2010

These are the instructions to compile transmission in a sheevaplug. From elBradford. This link was down on February 20, 2010. I get access to it from google cache.

1) I think the last 3 package are not really required, for a non gtk installation
# apt-get install build-essential automake autoconf libtool pkg-config
libcurl4-openssl-dev intltool libxml2-dev libgtk2.0-dev libnotify-dev libglib2.0-dev
* now libevent-dev is required, a had to download it and compile it.

2) Download the latest transmission from:

# wget "and the actual link to the latest file"

3) Extract the files

# tar –xvf transmission-1.90.tar.bz2

4) Enter in directory and:

# ./configure –-disable-gtk --disable-cli

5) First Backup your current settings.json and purge current installed torrent.
# aptitude purge transmission-daemon

5) Build

# make

# make install

6) Setup init scrip as per this link.

7) edit init script transmission-home to point /etc/transmission instead of default /root/.conf/transmission

Create transmission user: adduser Make sure transmission user has access is the owner of the directory.

8) Configure /etc/transmission/settings.json

9) start transmission

# /etc/init.d/transmission-daemon start

10) Add rc links

#update-rc.d transmission-daemon defaults